My Collections Tattoo

Scorpion tattoo design

Another scorpion tattoo design - people just love them.

Full back tattoo designs

All full back free tattoo designs are like paint, only they are on human skin. The first impression is always whoa!

Tattoo Care

Tattoo Care

Should I have wrapped tattooed place?
No. Similar to sunburn the skin will recover sooner and better, if in the air, if the 'respiratory system'. Also, do not bear too tight clothing, some strange and plasticized synthetic T-shirts, etc... but light, air, comfortable clothing.
Given care to tattoo or procedures for their healing through a number of different opinions and theories. The method described here is tested, the most recommended, and the acting is at least bitch or painful.
Some traditional forms of tattooing in the history ( Chinese, etc...) found that the tattooed place should be wrapped, others that it should be completely dry, without any ointments, third again, it should have enough moisture, and so on. Why would you experiment in your own skin and testing some assumptions?

Tattoo Care

Basic Care of Tattoo

Basic Care of Tattoo

Like this: at least a week is not advisable to swim in the pool (especially chlorine, and it is the most swimming pools), avoid the hot rooms, sauna, gym and fitness club, not expose tattoo in direct sunlight because the skin is very sensitive, until the tattoo is not healed completely, watch the dust, dirt, shock, and touch, etc..
Tattoos are healing, as said, from one to two weeks (depending on your skin, an area the size of tattoo etc.)... During this time the skin is a little more touch sensitive (like, as if this example burning the sun), but not hurt, does not usually itching and is also no other side effects.

Basic Care of Tattoo

If you get any reaction, excessive redness, which lasted several days, if this pain or itching in a very similar, go after the advice back to tattoo artist and immediately thereafter to the doctor! This is for your skin (literally), so do not...
Most likely you will get orders from tattoo artist that the day after the tattooing come back to him again to review (and possibly again later, when fully healed). If the next day is everything all right (that you will be told), then there is no worry that something went wrong.

Basic Care of Tattoo

Proper Care of Tattoo

Proper Care of Tattoo

New Tattoo at least for a week or even even better, 10-14 days (or until it is clearly and definitely healed) 2-4 times a day wash with lukewarm water and neutral soap (or such, which does not irritate the skin), and approximately 3 -- 5 times a day lubricate with ointment (after each washing, or even in between). Do this with feeling and need, a prescription is simple: the tattoo should be kept slightly greasy (not too), the skin can therefore never be completely drained.
On the other hand, too much moisture is not good, so caution in swimming in the bath (shower is - otherwise - better). Tattoo not irrigates and not too watering abundant with water, what will not harm the drop, too much water and soap is not good. Bathing and swimming in the pool, at least the first few days, strictly off!

Proper Care of Tattoo

Care After Tattooing

Care After Tattooing

Tattoo artist my skin covered with foil. What now?
This is a completely sterile medical foil, which ensures that the tattoo the first few hours that are most critical protected from dirt, dust, and even potential bacteria and other microorganisms. In the meantime, from the tattooed skin more or less stripped a natural clear liquid from subcutaneous tissue and capillaries just below the skin surface. You can observe how the moisture accumulates under the foil, and then may work any bubbles in it, and the like.

Care After Tattooing

This transparent foil must have on the skin somewhat from 3 to 6 hours. In the meantime take rest, read or the like. Of course, avoid any serious physical activity, contact or strokes after tattooed place, let alone foil, not scratch, and make sure that clothes or anything like do not interfere.
After this period you carefully take off the foil (adhesive patch cut) and remove. With clean hands in lukewarm water and neutral soap, wash the tattoo to remove paint residues, mucus and the like. You have to do this decisively, but do not push too much, and tattoo not case under the water longer than necessary. Wait a minute, the skin must dry on air and refresh

Care After Tattooing