This tattoo is almost typical of what one might see today when looking at tribal tattoo designs. And this one might also be a little more intricate and just a bit more busy than a lot of the tribal tattoos you will find. A design made to be worn from the shoulder to the elbow, this tattoo probably has its origins in some real South Pacific tribe where the warriors of the tribe would wear such things. I don’t know what they all stood for but I am pretty certain that this would have been the type that marked a tribal warrior. It may also have marked what tribe he belonged to, as many did a very long time ago.
Truth is that many of the people who come up with these tribal tattoo designs today have no idea of the meaning behind these tattoos. They are simply imitating an art form that has become very popular around the world, and thus has become profitable. I am sure there are still many tribal tattoo designs out there that have stayed true to their beginning roots but I would not know how to tell which is which. You would need a real expert along for that job.
Here are some tribal tattoo designs that would probably work well on any part of the body. They are all well done and interesting to look at and at the same time they are very simple in nature and I like tattoos that manage to achieve both of those things at once. I don’t think they really stand for anything I think they are just meant to look good and they do.